Saturday, July 25, 2009


It is our first project in 2nd year where we in a group of 4 have to choose a residential house designed by a well known architect and study about it. Due to it, our group had choosen the SAFARI ROOF HOUSE by KEVIN MARK LOW. Fortunately, Kevin is our 5th year's part time lecturer so we had the opportunity to interview him. But, it was a bit scary @@ rite?

Below is some picture of our final product - a 1:100 scale model and a A1 size conceptual poster.

It is the first time i love my product a lot ^^


  1. just want to be the 1st who leave u comment here^^
    keep updating ^^
    missing u~
    p/s: I love ur product too^^Gambateh

  2. Replies
    1. An Architect student here using the same house for the assignment but our main focus is on the construction and building materials. Do you have any sketches of the house or any references.

  3. I want The technical drawings of this house I am from India .I am a student and i too got the same problem and i have to make a model of this house.
    please send me this the technical drawings or measurements or anything that will help making the model.
    you can send the detail at coolaayushjindal@gmailcom
